Finding the time

One of the challenges of doing art is, as people often want to say, finding the time. How, with our busy schedules, can we possibly find the time to do art, be creative, have a bit of fun?

Good question... Take a stock of your actual day for a moment, what you spend it on and why you spend that time. Obviously a large portion of our days tend to be tied to work or school, often with homework (which doesn't end when you leave school), but also there's often a chunk devoted to less engaged activities such as television.

I'm not going to beat up on our favourite time killer, but lets face it: as a society, we watch a lot of TV. Outside of that, though, starting to look at time and how it's being spent is one way to create some space for yourself.

That leads me to this book by Danny Gregory, Art Before Breakfast. The idea is simple, you commit 30 days to morning art exercises to form the habit of creating art. These are guided exercises, designed to help you see the world a bit differently and how to form the habit of drawing in it.

I just started into the book, so this is not a review or anything, but what I'm hoping it does for me is encouraging my progression and my ability to find time. I'll try to post my journey for the next 30 days, which will start this Monday. Don't expect much, the initial journey is contour lines and such, but what the heck? Stay tuned.

In the meanwhile...