Charlie Shields, the founder of Doodlewash, created the idea of a World Watercolor Month every July and it's an opportunity to get involved in a fun event and practice your skills at the same time.
While there's no specific requirement to follow, Charlie does supply a set of painting prompts for you if you're stuck on what to paint. I find these kind of handy since I'm usually terrible at coming up with ideas. I get "artist block" all the time and so my brush or pencil hovers waiting...
Also, because they're awesome, they are also giving away some watercolours and sketchbooks from Cheap Joe's to celebrate. So, why not sign up? It's free.
If you do join in, you can share your work on social media and don't forget the #WorldWatercolorMonth hashtag when you do.
While there's no specific requirement to follow, Charlie does supply a set of painting prompts for you if you're stuck on what to paint. I find these kind of handy since I'm usually terrible at coming up with ideas. I get "artist block" all the time and so my brush or pencil hovers waiting...
Also, because they're awesome, they are also giving away some watercolours and sketchbooks from Cheap Joe's to celebrate. So, why not sign up? It's free.
If you do join in, you can share your work on social media and don't forget the #WorldWatercolorMonth hashtag when you do.