This month's SketchBox contains a few interesting items, primarily related to inking, but not entirely. It's a bit eclectic...
First is a bottle of Liquitex Professional Metallic Acrylic ink in iridescent rich bronze. I'm pretty sure this varies by box, so I'll have to see what I might use bronze for, but interesting to try as I've been wondering about their inks.
Next is a Kuretake Zig Hoso-Taku Fude Pen with a hard brush tip. It has cartridges, so it is refillable, though I'm not entirely sure yet if I can do so in Canada. Why? The entire package is in Japanese!
Then we have a bottle of Copic Opaque White which can be used to highlight ink-based drawings. I also know a number of people use it with watercolour as well, though I have white gouache for that normally.
One of the odd items in this is a Faber-Castell Polychromos pencil in Orange Glaze. It appears to be the same colour for everyone and it escapes me as to why in orange, but I guess I have a backup!
Another oddity is a Princeton Velvetouch round #8 brush aimed at mixed media, apparently oils, acrylics, or watercolour. It's not so much that it's odd, since there is the acrylic ink, but most people tend to have brushes to purpose. I'll be curious to see how good it is, especially with water media.
Lastly, we have a bonus item in a Fredrix 4" x 6" canvas board. They say it's just for testing these supplies, but I think I'll do some oil painting on it instead.
Anyways, that's it for this month! I haven't done anything, yet, with the supplies, but I'll be interested to try them out.
First is a bottle of Liquitex Professional Metallic Acrylic ink in iridescent rich bronze. I'm pretty sure this varies by box, so I'll have to see what I might use bronze for, but interesting to try as I've been wondering about their inks.
Next is a Kuretake Zig Hoso-Taku Fude Pen with a hard brush tip. It has cartridges, so it is refillable, though I'm not entirely sure yet if I can do so in Canada. Why? The entire package is in Japanese!
Then we have a bottle of Copic Opaque White which can be used to highlight ink-based drawings. I also know a number of people use it with watercolour as well, though I have white gouache for that normally.
One of the odd items in this is a Faber-Castell Polychromos pencil in Orange Glaze. It appears to be the same colour for everyone and it escapes me as to why in orange, but I guess I have a backup!
Another oddity is a Princeton Velvetouch round #8 brush aimed at mixed media, apparently oils, acrylics, or watercolour. It's not so much that it's odd, since there is the acrylic ink, but most people tend to have brushes to purpose. I'll be curious to see how good it is, especially with water media.
Lastly, we have a bonus item in a Fredrix 4" x 6" canvas board. They say it's just for testing these supplies, but I think I'll do some oil painting on it instead.
Anyways, that's it for this month! I haven't done anything, yet, with the supplies, but I'll be interested to try them out.