Day 19: Swing and a Miss!

I didn't actually get to day 19 on the art front yesterday, so that's a total swing and a miss there! Needless to say, I had to make it up to myself and fortunately, Michael's decided to ship out 60% off coupons for today only.

Well, when you have a coupon giving you that much of a discount, you just have to go art supply shopping. As you may have guessed from the image to the left here, I decided now was a really good time to stock up on Prismacolor Premier pencils. The set there normally goes for $399, so take 60% off and I get it for $160! Score for me!

I did have a smaller set of the Prisma line, complimenting the complete Faber-Castell Polychromos set that I have. For those wondering about the difference, it's basically that the Faber-Castell are oil based and a little harder and the Prismacolors are wax based and softer. You can use them together in a drawing, they can work quite complimentary, and given the steep discount, now was a good time to just fill out the set.

As an aside, for those looking to buy coloured pencils, you really do want to consider your ability to purchase open stock, basically single pencil purchase, after you acquire the initial set. A lot of places will only carry Prismacolor or Faber-Castell in open stock and so either is a very good choice. A lot of people really like the Caran D'Ache line, they're supposed to be extremely good, but they're also hard to find open stock in Canada. Either way, Prismacolor Premier and Faber-Castell Polychromos are excellent, artist grade, pencils and so you can't really go wrong.